Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Living in new Town..

Living in new town.. it’s.. kind not a scary things for me, but it’s like adventure.. but i realised.. that an adventurer going to some new forest.. or mountain.. they know that they will enjoy it.. but.. there’re dangers.. well.. every adventure.. have they own danger.. so we must have prepare.. our self.. if it’s a physical danger.. maybe you need taekwondo, karate, rifles, or maybe knife.. well if it’s a physical one.. but if it’s the mentality one.. well you need a different weapon as.. pray.. reading bible.. and positive think.. and.. so on.. well if it’s a faith danger.. just like the Holy bible say... Ephesians 6:13-18 Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 
Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled round your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from 
the gospel of peace. 
In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 
Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, 
which is the word of God. 
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. 
Or this one 1 Thessalonians 5:8 But since we belong to the day, let us be self-controlled, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet. So.. be prepared.. 

something that inspired me

well, today i go to church that’s different with the church i used to go, because i’m in new town.. but.. something rituals.. well that happened in my used to church, but it’s just different. okay well... the truth is.. i think there’s no God’s presence there..  (i lied) well i can catch The God’s presence there.. because i remember someone say that God’s presence it’s not about not good songs, not a good preacher, a really wired offers bag.. but it’s about do you want to feel God’s presence or not.. that things, that God put in my mind.. so today i enjoy.. it.. well maybe the praise and worship it’s not like in my church , i used to go (do i really need to put i used to go after i write my church, well why i write my church, it’s God Church.. Theeeee) but.. the other things that God put in my mind.. ‘Well Linda, it’s not about the songs.. I can also touch people hearts there, with the song like this.. and I’m happy that they still worship Me with this song style, even rock, they can make people praise Me.. there’s diversity (many ways) to worship Me.. Understand My dear..’ well that’s make me inspired.. 

my thoughts..

i think i don’t like the clowns job.. sometime they just get slip and fall down for making funny, but if it’s not clown, but someone else, people that see it. just laugh at them and not help that man. i think that it’s not necessary to have making people smile with something like that.. there’s a lot more things to laugh at.. i think..

Thursday, May 26, 2011

DREAM... i wish it could be real

hix.... hix... today my dream is about
 Jason Dolley.. He look so handsome,  like usual. But this time, it's different. first, i watch him at television, he receive like Grammy, yeah just like that... (i try to remember) than he thank God on camera. He go to toilet. then i look a group of girls, enter toilet. but i think Jason didn't see it. Well after that Jason enter the toilet. He is very surprise, because there's a group of girls standing in front of the mirror, try to fixed their make up. than he say sorry, but after that there's a man (orange shirt, punk hair, with earrings, wear jeans that have so many rip) walk out from the toilet. well that means the girls are wrong.. they run out.. i look Jason smile. then he go to toilet. Jason do nothing, he just sit on the closed toilet and thinking. suddenly, 

Mitchel musso come and say... that... (i don't really remember) it's true that lean on Jesus..... make..... (forget) then Jason say... I know, that's right..
well he out from toilet.. and i become me... i'm standing near him and i say hi, he walk pass through me and he say hi.. well.. i'm not really happy... hmm.. then.. i'm after him, i try to say something but i shy to do it, i try to collect all my courage.. and i say... hi Jason.. i.........fans......website.. twitter....also friend with mitchel musso at facebook......guest book... i'm so happy to meet you... i know that............ (every blank it's out from my memory) then he said.. wow, really.. thank you let's take some picture... and we took some picture his hand on my shoulder, my hand at his waist. then.. i try to treat him for lunch, but he not accept it. he enter his car and bye.... hix... well than i see Emma Watson. i talk to her about my sister that admire her. then she give me a brochure it's about Emma and people tree.  i took it and i thank her... than my friend come to me and say that we haven't book flight to back to Indonesia.. and we have class tomorrow well the dream continues with my journey.. try to get ticket.. and it's a long story.. well it's just dream... but for this dream i wake about 4/5 times and in the morning, i wake up, i thank God for this dream.. i open http://www.jasondolley.com/ and http://twitter.com/#!/jason_s_dolley  i wish something happen.. but noting happen well.. my dream usually come true.. i wish this one too..  after wake up, i start to think.. how come i can go to US..?? hm... i still wondering.. then i write this...
thank you for reading... well.. i have idols.. but still God become the first... amen..

Sunday, March 13, 2011

1st tour ke singapore page1


Wuh... perjalanan january akhir, baru kutulis sekarang, begitu malasnya diriku.. ya ampun... hahaha

oya.. hari pertama ke singapore, sebenarnya, saya masih belum percaya kalo saya diberi kesempatan buat ke sana.. soalnya, pas kecil kan banyak hal yang sudah direncanakan bersama orang tua atau saudara yang dibatalkan, maka sampai sekarang juga terbawa, terkadang bermimpi, bahwa terjadi hujan yang sangat lebat, dan akhirnya penerbangan dibatalkan. huaa.. seram.. well jadi hari itu saya tidur selama 2 jam dan jam setengah 2 bangun dan siap-siap selanjutnya.. saya yang menyetir kebandara.. benar, benar capek.. oya sebelum itu saya menjemput teman saya natalia.. lalu karena hari sebelumnya kita telah janjian untuk pergi ke mcd untuk membeli sarapan, maka, kami menjalankan rencana itu.. ternyata, orang yang menjaga counter mcd tidak siaga, mungkin gara-gara kita datengnya jam 3 pagi buta.. mangkanya gak ada orang ya.., bukan maksud menjelekan.. hmmhh.. di jalan hr muhamad, sebelum bundaran tol, ternyata ada orang yang kecelakaan, pengendara sepeda motor, wah sebenarnya, semobil sudah merasa tidak enak, pertama saya mengira bahwa terdapat pemeriksaan kendaraan roda 4 dengan bermaksud untuk menepi, saat mendekat barulah saya tau bahwa telah terjadi kecelakaan. akhirnya kita kumpul di bandara juanda jam setengah 4 sudah banyak yang ngumpul, tapi untung kita gak telat.. hehehe... memang gak ngaret sih.. well.. kalo telat bayar denda S$15 dan itu lumayan.. 100ribu bookk.. hm.. dan akhirnya kita check in semua sudah diaturkan.. sama tour leader yang baik hati..( memuji.. bermaksud..) eeeehhmm. anyway... kita sampe disana masih pagi.. karena kepagian dari jam tayang.. mangkanya kita rada mangkal di bandara.. di changi.. lengkap lho peta.. tempat wisata.. dan lainnya.. fascinating.. yang aku salut di negara sana, banyak larangan yang tegas dan dipatuhi.. di MRT kalo makan atao minum di stasiunnya denda S$500 yang berarti 3.500.000, gimana terdengar murah?? hm.. saya rasa tidak.. haahaha... tapi kalo bilang disana jalannya gak berdebu.. boong banget, kapan hari pas naek bus, yah modelnya kayak ditaman kota gitu.. juga ada sampah.. tapi kalo ada orang tidur di sana, gak ada sih.. gak kaya di bunderan tol surabaya.. hahaha... dan itu patut di contoh.. yang di MRTnya.. oya karena kita mangkal disana.. kira taking picture deh.. hehehe dan aku mulai buka makanan.. yumm. pokky banana... hahaha.. kenapa aku masih ingat yang aku makan?? well kadang untuk hal yang gak penting aku bisa ingat dengan lamaaaa.... hahaha.. contohnya adalah pelajara pkn kelas 12.. dimana ada 2 macam pemerintahan parlementer dan presidensil.. wah beberapa hal dari situ aku bisa inget.. padahal .. kan gak penting banget ya (hihihihihi..) selain.. dan akhirnya kita sampai di g4station hostel.. number 3rd hostel in singapore.. kalo untuk fasilitas, rate dan lainnya.. wisa di liat di www.g4station.com fasilitasnya lengkap banget, ada water heater, ada breakfast (+apple) an apple a day keep the doctor away.. hehehe ada wifi, ada computer yang bisa akses internet.. ada colokan di tiap tempat tidur, juga ada lemari yah tinggi sekitar 60 lebar 40 cm panjang nah.. kurang tau tapi mungkin sekitar 50 cm.. aku sekamar ma martha, natalia, yenny, sonia, ma zella.. bercanda terus isinya dalam kamar.. kita dikamar clarke quay A lantai 2 disana gak ada lift jadi kita ngangkat koper ke lantai 2.. tapi ada yang dapet di lantai 5.. bayangkan!! memang biasanya.. buat backpakers yang gak pake koper tapi pake ransel gedheee.. jadi gitu deh.. aku tidur di ranjang atas... hari itu kita langsung siap-siap turun buat keliling.. pertama kita keee... lupa.... mah.. mungkin di update berikutnya.. aku tanya-tanya dulu sama yang lain.. mungkin mereka ada yang ingat.. tapi pokoknya disana bisa bahasa inggris, bisa baca peta, survive.. hahahahaha.. semunya lengkap, kalo memang gak bisa ketemu jalan, ya tinggal tanya information center.. but ada hal-hal yang aku gak suka... kayak orang sana yang kurang ramah... hm.. sebenarnya.. hal yang membuat orang ingin kembali-kembali-kembali lagi ke negara itu ya gara-gara hospitality nya nah, kalo gak ramah.. mungkin bakal hanya sedikit yang kembal kesana, yang punya keperluan contohnya.. untuk shopping.. berobat.. baru ke singapore.. kalo memilih untuk ke singapore dan bali aku bakal lebih milih bali, soalnya lebih ramah... bikan karena aku gak bisa bahasa inggris dengan baik. tapi karena.. emang di tanah air sendiri.. lebih banyak ramah tamah dan sopan santun, sapa menyapa.. dan lainnya.. huahahahaha..

Like it..

I learn Something

Wih.. today my class finish at 10 p.m.... you know.. we learn about table manner.. just in case you dont know table manner, I'll tell you something. well, table manner is an ethic about eating.. it is an art of eating.. i think.. well how to sit nicely, how to hold our knife, fork and spoon, what we need for appetiser, soup, main course, theres also intermezzo (break). also we learn about put our silverware. oo.. yeah, therere silverware, that means forks (appetiser, main course, dessert), B&B (Bread and Butter) spreader, spoons (Soup, coffee or tea and dessert), Knifes (appetiser and main course). the class is amazing. we also learn about wine. that included in table manner.. WOW.. therere so many kind of grape for making wine, and the extraordinary one is, how the fragrance of the wine changes.. therere so many fragrances in 1 wine. can you imagine, theres 3 of you and your friends, drink from the same bottle of wine, and one say Hmmm, its smells like apple.... and other say Are you flu.. its a lychee and you say you two are idiots.. its an pineapple.. hahaha.. we learn how to appreciate others, others who help us. Mr. X (forget his name) said if the server pour water in your glasses for 80 times, you must say thank you for 80 times too. learn to appreciate others.

one of our lesson is how to communicate with the server in silent. for example we want to go to toilet we left our napkin on our chair. or we put our cutlery on our plate. the server knows. that we not leaving yet.. but if we put our napkins on our plate.. it means that we done. we also learn how to corporate with the waitress by after eating, put the cutlery on 4 oclock, well its the angle.. we put it side by side. or for glass that dont have any underline plate, we just put the spoon in the glass.. OOOHHH..!! we also learn the sexy way to eat Bread.. HAHAHAHA.. and we cant put our phone, bag.. or anything.. on the table. for napkin that we put on our lay, we can put it on rectangular of triangle. oh i learn something about late supper.. its from 2 am-5 am.. wow.. in Indonesia it call sahur. and before rare for steak, theres very rear.. that only seasoning.. and theres no cook action.. well also i learn that Kobe meat is the first quality meat.. and wagyu meat is the second quality of meat.. oh. and theres american.. and australian meat.. Export quality.. oh.. and if you want to order the kobe or wagyu meat dont order it mid-well or well the juicy of the meat wont taste. order itu mid-rare or rare..( if you want.. its just a suggestion..) and for wine.. red and white.. red wine.. can drink with red meat.. such as cow, bull, horse, camel, crocodile, goat, lamb.. and else.. and white wine can drink with poultry, seafood. oh.. poultry its like chicken, pigeon, birds.. and others.. BUUUUTTTT.. its not paten you can combine it.. Oh yeah, dont put your hands o the table.. so many things i learn today.. about 3-3,5 hours... but i learn so many things... and theres many more... well you should.. learn it to.. its fun...

just click... on google or you tube.. table manner.. and wine.. oh.. yeah.. i remember.. theres Jamie oliver book. I forget the title.. but theres story about 15 students that training in Jamie's kitchen.. and the recipes also include the right wine.. recommended.. by.. M..... (forget his name.. mosses i think or else.. only 4 letters maybe.. i forgot..) waaahh... why theres so many things that i forget.. (btw.. i also forget the Latin of Grape kingdom for making wine.. i just remember theres so many v letters in it.. hahaha)

Monday, January 3, 2011

saturn straw

Saturn Straw

young coconut 500gr (2 coconut)

strawberry 200gr

evaporate milk 270gr

rum 1 tbs

ice cube 600cc

chocolate pasta 80ml

coconut water 500cc

sugar tt (if you want)

fresh strawberry 5 (garnish)

(for 5 serving)

how to make:

  1. blend ice, young coconut, strawberry, coconut water, and evaporate milk. blend until all crushed
  2. separate into 2 bowl, bowl A 2/3 and bowl B 1/3
  3. put liquid from bowl B in blender and pour chocolate pasta and rum. blend it
  4. prepare 5 glasses and pour liquid from Bowl A to each glass 200 cc
  5. and than pour liquid from Bowl B each glass 100 cc
  6. for garnish, cut diagonal the strawberry 1/4 near leafs and cut little part of it for placing on glass
selamat mencoba!!

i learn something

wow.. udah lama mau ngepost ini tapi blom kesampean.. huehehehe... oya.. kalau inggrisnya kacau pardon me ya..

Wih.. today my class finish at 10 p.m.... you know.. we learn about table manner.. just in case you don’t know table manner, I'll tell you something. well, table manner is an ethic about eating.. it is an art of eating.. i think.. well how to sit nicely, how to hold our knife, fork and spoon, what we need for appetiser, soup, main course, there’s also intermezzo (break). also we learn about put our silverware. oo.. yeah, there’re silverware, that means forks (appetiser, main course, dessert), B&B (Bread and Butter) spreader, spoons (Soup, coffee or tea and dessert), Knifes (appetiser and main course). the class is amazing. we also learn about wine. that included in table manner.. WOW.. there’re so many kind of grape for making wine, and the extraordinary one is, how the fragrance of the wine changes.. there’re so many fragrances in 1 wine. can you imagine, there’s 3 of you and your friends, drink from the same bottle of wine, and one say “Hmmm, it’s smells like apple..”.. and other say “Are you flu.. it’s a lychee” and you say “you two are idiots.. it’s an pineapple..” hahaha.. we learn how to appreciate others, others who help us. Mr. X (forget his name) said “if the server pour water in your glasses for 80 times, you must say thank you for 80 times too. learn to appreciate others.”

one of our lesson is how to communicate with the server in silent. for example we want to go to toilet we left our napkin on our chair. or we put our cutlery on our plate. the server knows. that we not leaving yet.. but if we put our napkins on our plate.. it means that we done. we also learn how to corporate with the waitress by after eating, put the cutlery on 4 o’clock, well it’s the angle.. we put it side by side. or for glass that don’t have any underline plate, we just put the spoon in the glass.. OOOHHH..!! we also learn the sexy way to eat Bread.. HAHAHAHA.. and we can’t put our phone, bag.. or anything.. on the table. for napkin that we put on our lay, we can put it on rectangular of triangle. oh i learn something about late supper.. it’s from 2 am-5 am.. wow.. in Indonesia it call sahur. and before rare for steak, there’s very rear.. that only seasoning.. and there’s no cook action.. well also i learn that Kobe meat is the first quality meat.. and wagyu meat is the second quality of meat.. oh. and there’s american.. and australian meat.. Export quality.. oh.. and if you want to order the kobe or wagyu meat don’t order it mid-well or well the juicy of the meat won’t taste. order itu mid-rare or rare..( if you want.. it’s just a suggestion..) and for wine.. red and white.. red wine.. can drink with red meat.. such as cow, bull, horse, camel, crocodile, goat, lamb.. and else.. and white wine can drink with poultry, seafood. oh.. poultry it’s like chicken, pigeon, birds.. and others.. BUUUUTTTT.. it’s not paten you can combine it.. Oh yeah, don’t put your hands o the table.. so many things i learn today.. about 3-3,5 hours... but i learn so many things... and there’s many more... well you should.. learn it to.. it’s fun...

just click... on google or you tube.. table manner.. and wine.. oh.. yeah.. i remember.. there’s Jamie oliver book. I forget the title.. but there’s story about 15 students that training in Jamie's kitchen.. and the recipes also include the right wine.. recommended.. by.. M..... (forget his name.. mosses i think or else.. only 4 letters maybe.. i forgot..) waaahh... why there’s so many things that i forget.. (btw.. i also forget the Latin of Grape kingdom for making wine.. i just remember there’s so many ‘v’ letters in it.. hahaha)