Thursday, September 23, 2010

waktu berjalan terlalu cepat

rasanya waktu berjalan lebih cepat dari biasanya, gak tau itu salah kita yang terlalu sibuk atau.. yang lain..
eh.. tapi kita gak boleh terus-terusan kayak gitu lho.. soalnya.. kita juga harus punya waktu untuk menoleh kebelakang, melihat apa yang telah Tuhan perbuat dalam hidup kita..
jadi gini nih ceritanya... kemaren itu.. aku.. seharian beraktivitas.. sampeh rasanya.. capek itu.. udah gak terasa banget.. alisa tubuh ini udah mati rasa.. lalu malamnya.. aku kebabalasan.. tidur.. lalu rasanya udah gak bakal bangun lagi.. udah benar-benar capek.. lalu.. tadi pagi nih.. jam 5 Tuhan membangunkanku.. Tuhan emang baik banget.. soalnya aku belum belajar service fundamental... hahaha... padahal.. harusnya hari ini.. tiap orang presentasi.. tapi ternyata gak jadi.. lalu aku kerja tugas lainnya.. dan ke kampus.. gak telat.. hehehee... good for me.. Thx God!! You are the BEST!!

so let's now translate it in English.. my English.. not so good, my grammar.. in Japaneses said. amburadul.. (Kidding)
i guess that time move to fast, i don't know maybe it's our fault for being to busy or other else..
but we mustn't like that, because we should have time to see the past.. what have God did in our live..
so this is the story... Yesterday, i have many activities that made me tired. it feels like i can't feel anything. so night come and i fall asleep. it's like i won't get up anymore. i'm really-really tired. so this morning an 5 o'clock God wake me up.. He is so good.. He knows that i haven't learn my service fundamental presentation... hahahaha... we should have our presentation individually today, but it didn't happen so, i made my other assignment and went to campus.. and not late.. hehehee good for me.. Thx God!! You are the BEST!!

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