Thursday, March 13, 2014

I feel miracle that happen more than 2600 years ago

Well it start this evening when it's time for me to come back from work..  I've been worry all the time that it will be raining again.. because for the last four days it's always raining and i always wet when i got home. Today not only raining, but also my gas is already in the red line near the empty sign. By the way.. I'm riding a motorcycle. Everyone know that the type of my motorcycle is consuming gasoline more than other type.

So it's raining... My gasoline nearly empty.. and the traffic is terrifying, jam every where. The gas station that near my work place is quite far. The road that i usually pass for 15-20 minutes with short traffic jams, takes 1 hour 30 minutes.. i stuck in the middle of intersection.. and the compass of my gasoline meter already touch the top of the E or EMPTY.

I can do nothing, the traffic stop. I just pray.. "God, let this situation not make me angry to Your creation (Human), or make me blame you for the situation that You give (Raining, Traffic Jams). I believe that You test many people right now.. God.. let the miracle that happened more than 2000 years ago for widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:6-16)  happen right now.. My gas is almost empty.. The course is still far to reach the Gas Station.. Please make my gasoline last until i reach the Gas Station.. and God I'm Hungry.. (Stomach problem)"

I still riding my motorcycle.. my pants wet.. and I'm hungry... so i try to stop at IBC (Ikan Bakar Cianjur) to take my dinner.. (so yummy by the way)..  while waiting the traffic to move.. i talk to the parking attendants. And after sometimes i continuing my ride home.. And my gasoline meter not move.. until i reach the gas station.. awesome.. He is an awesome God.. and thank God.. again... the road that i suppose to pass having a high level of water/ flooding and because i stop at IBC, I was not run into the flooding street, because the flood subside.

I praise HIM because HE is AWESOME GOD!!
How Great Thou Art!!