Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Mzm 63

2: Ya Allah ,Engkaulah Allahku, aku mencari Engkau, jiwaku haus kepadaMu, tubuhku rindu kepadaMu
4: Sebab kasih setiaMu lebih baik daripada hidup; bibirku akan memegahkan Engkau.
5: Demikianlah aku mau memuji Engkau seumur hidupku dan menaikan tanganku demi nama-Mu

Daud nulis mazmur 63 kayak Tuhan itu ngangenin.. judulnya 'Kerinduan kepada Allah'  padahal Daud kalo bersekutu sama Tuhan itu 3kali sehari... mzm 5:4 pagi; mzm 59:17 siang; mzm 42:9 malam.. tapi Daud bisa sangat merindukan Tuhan setiap saat. Keren ya daud.. kapan aku isa kayak Daud.. merindukan Tuhan dan hadiratnya..

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Small conversation

Hello.. today i saw in the movie when people burn the Cross.. my heart ache.. but God remind me.. It's just symbol don't let it come over you and make you hate them...  You want to be salt and light, but you won't become one, if you still hate them. And by the way.. you don't have any right to be mad. I let them to torture Me (God). So don't get mad.. stay away from discord, you just make them hate Me more and more. Be still, remember that I love them and salvation is also for them.. Love them like I do..
Ok God, now I know Your will..